As recommended on BBC Radio Podcast Hour. Through an awe-inspiring audio journey, this podcast series brings to life the love of bees. It lifts the lid on a world of fascinating behaviours and wondrous endeavours. Who knew, for example, that to produce a pound of honey, a colony of honeybees must visit 2 million flowers? Or that a bumblebee with a full stomach is only ever 40 minutes away from starvation! We talk to people who are passionate about bees, from entomologists to botanists, scientists, beekeepers, honey experts, historians, artists and api-therapists. The podcast is accessible to everyone, as a non-technical, entertaining and informative adventure into a part of the insect world that has been a source of fascination and inspiration for millenia. This podcast is brought to you by www.parityaudio.co.uk For more information about this podcast, visit our website at www.livingbeeing.com
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
It’s Asian Hornet Week and Sam Day is back from a busy visit to Jersey. The island is already experiencing the spread of this insect from the French mainland. Able to hibernate in imported plants and foods and with a potentially voracious appetite for bees and other insects, it has the potential to have a significant effect on our indigenous fauna and home agriculture. Along with a team of 30+ experts and volunteers, Sam has been helping to research and test possible solutions for tracking and pinpointing these nests more easily. And she’s captured and brought back some wonderful audio interviews, samples and stories.
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
We talk to Nikki Gammans, “Project Manager of the Short-Haired Bumblebee Project” for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust (BCT) during Bees' Needs Week in July. Nikki developed a passion for insects from a young age. She now helps to protect the humble bumblebee species which are under continued stress and strain from climate change and loss of habitat. She tells us about all the things we can do to support these charismatic and emblematic gentle giants. We hear about: bees that are incredible foragers and pollinators; bees that are under threat of extinction; bees that spend the night out, rough sleeping; and bees that sting Chris when he disturbs their nest! Please do check out the BCT website which has lots of information and ideas for helping bumblebees: www.bumblebeeconservation.org. Pictures and further information as ever available on our website: www.livingbeeing.com.
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
We follow in the footsteps of the renowned Gilbert White - naturalist, ecologist and ornithologist - on our first location recording in Gilbert’s hometown of Selborne, almost exactly 300 years after his birth. On a glorious summer’s day in July, our guide, Stephen Fleming (AKA. Drone Whisperer and co-editor of Bee Craft magazine: www.bee-craft.com) takes us to the exact spot where Gilbert heard a strange humming sound. We learn more about the mysterious DCA - no, not a 70’s rock cover band nor a complex unit of electricity, but a Drone Congregation Area. Our adventure leaves more questions unanswered than answered and more mysteries to ponder. For example: how do drones know where to go in their final, fateful or fruitless flight to mate with a queen; how does the queen find them; what links these magical places to ancient settlements, hill forts and peoples of old; is there, perhaps, a DCA somewhere near you? For pictures and video click: www.livingbeeing.com and Vita Bee Health DCA videos: https://www.vita-europe.com/beehealth/blog/dca2016/
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Confessions of a beekeeper. David Charles on a lifetime of keeping bees.
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
David Charles has been keeping bees since 1962. Before bee suits David and his fellow beekeepers tended to their bees armed only with some net curtains and a pair of bicycle clips. And what characters there were in those days! What are the best plants for bees? Did beekeepers really use sulphur to kill their bees to get the honey? What happens when you are stung on the hand by a mass of bees? A fascinating potted history of beekeeping. Some bee-tech but all explained in our show notes and a lovely listen!
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Apitherapy is a practice that uses the healing powers of honeybees. Gerry first came across it by accident when she became very ill with Lyme disease - a debilitating condition caused by tick bites. Treatment for this disease, in Gerry’s case, involved a lengthy course of bee stings! Her ongoing research has led to further interest in other apitherapy practices such as the use of propolis, pollen and royal jelly. Gerry also writes childrens’ stories and she treated us to some wonderful excerpts from her new book “The Secrets of Hope, the Honey Bee”.
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Buzz world. Living Beeing talks to Nicola Bradbear from Bees for Development.
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Nicola tells us about her passion for bees and Bees for Development which helps people in extreme poverty to build a livelihood from beekeeping; bringing health to communities and helping to support biodiversity. A low cost activity, it also allows people time to support families and continue farming. For many it’s a life-saver. She tells us about what inspired her to go on this journey and how, as a vegan, beekeeping can still make sense if conducted with sensitivity. And Chris has been sleeping on his bees again. A beekeeping episode but of interest to everyone.
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Chris and Patrick talk to Norman Carreck - a well-known bee scientist - about his love and passion for bees; both as a beekeeper and a scientist. Sensitive to the needs of bees, Norman gives us his opinion on a whole raft of topics: what constitutes indigenous or alien species, the wonderful adaptability of bees, asian hornet, successful species of bee, stress and the movement of bees, plants and animals by humans, the Covid-19 pandemic, disease, local bees and tolerance of disease, inbreeding, Peter Tomkin, the longevity of beekeepers, getting young people involved, 5G and EMF.
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Sara grew up in Iowa and lost her home in a tornado - but that’s another story! Sara teaches and exhibits at the National Honey Show every year - well worth a visit. A fascinating exploration of the health benefits of wax, honey and propolis; soaps and serates and a magical journey back in time to the mystical history of recipes and pharmacopia.
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
We talk to Dr Martin Bencsik about the wonder of bees, their sensitivities to vibration and communication through sound. Martin’s father kept bees but the young Martin disliked beekeeping and remembers his fear of being stung! Ironically, today much of Martin’s research work as a scientist involves studying bees and how they cooperate in the hive specifically through the use of vibration - toots and quacks from the queens. Fascinating new research.
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Brigit Strawbridge talks to Verity on her allotment.. A fascinating insight into the diverse foraging habits of many different species of bee and how the gardener might plant to support bees and attract them to the garden Her delightful enthusiasm for bees is infectious. A must-listen for any keen gardener or nature lover. Brigit is a British environmentalist and author of - "Dancing with Bees".